Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Gathering in August, 2011

Topic:  Plant Spirit Medicine   

The  Wellness Center           69 Elm Street        Camden, Maine         6:30-8:00 pm
Why do we love our gardens so?  Of course they provide beauty, definition in landscape design, and a sense of natural order as they go through the seasonal changes.  However, each plant has its own unique vibration that communicates itself to us in many ways.

This month we will focus on flower essences, exploring how this vibrational network can convey a more cooperative way to heal ourselves and the planet we live on. Cheryl Evangelos will lead a discussion of what they are, how they work, and how they are made.  She will  also offer a guided visualization on what particular flower may be calling to you at this time.

For those interested in learning more, she suggests Bach Flower Therapy, Theory and Practice, by Mechthild Scheffer.  All are invited to join us and bring a flower blossom to add to our altar .

The Gathering in July, 2011

Topic:  Working with Animal Spirit Guides

The Wellness Center      69 Elm Street          Camden

You spot an owl as you drive down the road or catch a glimpse of a fox darting across your lawn. There is a cardinal pair that come to your feeder every evening.  Animal encounters are viewed by many as synchronistic messages from Spirit.  Our interactions with the animal realm can be used as a tool for co-creation between the spiritual and physical realms.  Join Cheryl Evangelos as we explore interpreting their messages, the difference between Animal Spirit Guides and Power Animals and journey to learn how to better communicate with our animal partners. We invite you to bring your personal animal sightings and stories as we have fun with the creatures.

The Gathering in June, 2011

Topic:   I Hold the Power of Peace  
Carol Daigneault’s Book Launch!!!!!!!

The Wellness Center           69 Elm Street             Camden, Maine

After well over a year and a half of writing and editing, I have just self-published a book  -- I  Hold the Power of Peace.  This Gathering will be my first public appearance with the new book.  Please come and be a part of this evening of completion and new beginnings.

I  Hold the Power of Peace  is a petite, 4” x 6” booklet explaining the title message which I received shortly after 9/11.  Thought, imagination, feeling and both the individual and group potential to impact a shift in global peace are concepts shared.   I will offer a brief overview and would love to hear your thoughts as we explore ways to make the world a better, more peaceful place together.

I have committed to pay it forward and will be giving out the first 500 copies free.  Copies will be available for you to take home this evening.

Many of you who have attended past Gatherings have seen my I Hold the Power of Peace bumper stickers or participated in our December peace guided visualizations.   Please join us as we continue to share and spread this message .

Carol Daigneaul

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Gathering in May, 2011

Topic:  Spring Tonic for the Heart

Time:   May 12        6:30 - 8:00 pm
Place:  The Wellness Center      69 Elm St.  Camden Maine

This month we will focus on the Heart Chakra. What we hold in our hearts in the form of conflict, hurt or unresolved issues can feel like heaviness or density. Cheryl Evangelos will lead a discussion on transforming that density into light. During the guided visualization, we will utilize the symbolism of the orb for this rejuvenation. Please join us for an evening of peaceful resolution.

FMI:  Carol Daigneault     207-594-7081

Follow-up to April's Gathering: Group Consciousness

After the earthquake in Japan, Masaru Emoto arranged, through e-mail, a time for people worldwide to join together and send prayers to the water in Japan. He named the ceremony:

“Let’s send our thought of love and gratitude to all water in the nuclear plants in Fukushima”
He also provided a specific phrase for people to repeat.

We know  that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  When a group of like-minded individuals joins together and focuses on a common intention, energy grows exponentially.  Participants of The Gathering joined together and focused on the people, land and nuclear power plants in Japan. Intense love, gratitude and healing were directed to them.  I wholeheartedly thank everyone who participated.

As our announcement shares, we have an opportunity to create a new paradigm for how groups may impact the world for the better. The Gathering offers a powerful possibility for us to join together and, through our focused intention and higher consciousness, impact the world for the better. What an amazing way to make the world a better place!

Love and light to all,

To investigate this topic more fully, check out the following:
Lynne McTaggert, in her groundbreaking research on intention, has been documenting the effects group consciousness has on our planet. Lynne’s work is shared at

You may practice focusing your own energy and join with others as well by utilizing healing portals. These two, posted on the web, are used by people around the globe.

Denise Linn’s Mystic Healing Portal

Reiki Healing Portal by Soul Coach Tracy Houchins


The Gathering in April, 2011

Topic:  Group Consciousness

Place:  Wellness Center       69 Elm Street     Camden, Maine
During the past two months we have experienced Opening our Hearts and Loving. This evening we will combine both of these skills to explore the concept of Group Consciousness. Only hours after our last Gathering the people of Japan experienced a devastating earthquake and tsunami. During our guided visualization this month we will open our hearts further and join together to send a collective blessing to Japan and others around the globe. Join us as we experiment with a new paradigm for how groups may impact the world for the better.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Gathering in February, 2011

February 10, 2011
The Wellness Center - Camden, Maine

The topic is Opening the Heart

Oftentimes when we encounter difficult situations or painful emotions, our tendency is to resist and either shut down or find some way to escape. Quite 'logically', we do not wish to suffer! Yet is it by facing these challenges directly and fully acknowledging our suffering that we can uncover our compassionate natures and open our hearts to ourselves and others. Rose Willson will guide us through the Buddhist practice of Tonglen and the HeartMath 'FreezeFrame' technique to aid us in moving out of our heads and living more fully and compassionately from our intuitive hearts.

The Gathering in March, 2011

March 10, 2011
Wellness Center - Camden, Maine

The topic is:   Feeling Loving

Skye Hirst will explore with us how Feeling Loving and sound vibrations can work together and do, but we don't know it consciously. Experience creating loving sound vibrations. ¬ Discover how they open communication and how we can get that loving feeling any time, any place, ¬ if we choose. We'll be having fun making sounds as a group and feeling the sounds of loving in our bodies. Discover your loving feeling and how we are connected to one another through it.