Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Gathering in August, 2011

Topic:  Plant Spirit Medicine   

The  Wellness Center           69 Elm Street        Camden, Maine         6:30-8:00 pm
Why do we love our gardens so?  Of course they provide beauty, definition in landscape design, and a sense of natural order as they go through the seasonal changes.  However, each plant has its own unique vibration that communicates itself to us in many ways.

This month we will focus on flower essences, exploring how this vibrational network can convey a more cooperative way to heal ourselves and the planet we live on. Cheryl Evangelos will lead a discussion of what they are, how they work, and how they are made.  She will  also offer a guided visualization on what particular flower may be calling to you at this time.

For those interested in learning more, she suggests Bach Flower Therapy, Theory and Practice, by Mechthild Scheffer.  All are invited to join us and bring a flower blossom to add to our altar .

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