Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Gathering for March, 2009

Topic: Energy Awareness through Feng Shui

Energy Awareness is a vast, almost endless topic. Carol Daigneault, our guide, steered the discussion to an area in which she is very comfortable, Feng Shui, and the connection between environment and consciousness. The three foundation principles of Essential Feng Shui were presented:

Everything is alive with vital energy or Ch’i
Everything is connected
Everything is always changing

An easy way to key into the energy in a space is to look for areas that may have an imbalance of Ch’i. Participants drew a quick floor plan of their homes and were led through a process of identifying places that might be out of balance due to stuck or depleted Ch’i as well as situations that might show rushing or overactive Ch’i. It was an eye-opening exercise for many!

Carol then led us through a journey in which we connected with the energy of our homes and participants were invited to receive a message from their homes. Many did share that they were able to receive some valuable information.

As always, we closed with a healing meditation.

Carol Daigneault

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