Sunday, May 8, 2011

Follow-up to April's Gathering: Group Consciousness

After the earthquake in Japan, Masaru Emoto arranged, through e-mail, a time for people worldwide to join together and send prayers to the water in Japan. He named the ceremony:

“Let’s send our thought of love and gratitude to all water in the nuclear plants in Fukushima”
He also provided a specific phrase for people to repeat.

We know  that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  When a group of like-minded individuals joins together and focuses on a common intention, energy grows exponentially.  Participants of The Gathering joined together and focused on the people, land and nuclear power plants in Japan. Intense love, gratitude and healing were directed to them.  I wholeheartedly thank everyone who participated.

As our announcement shares, we have an opportunity to create a new paradigm for how groups may impact the world for the better. The Gathering offers a powerful possibility for us to join together and, through our focused intention and higher consciousness, impact the world for the better. What an amazing way to make the world a better place!

Love and light to all,

To investigate this topic more fully, check out the following:
Lynne McTaggert, in her groundbreaking research on intention, has been documenting the effects group consciousness has on our planet. Lynne’s work is shared at

You may practice focusing your own energy and join with others as well by utilizing healing portals. These two, posted on the web, are used by people around the globe.

Denise Linn’s Mystic Healing Portal

Reiki Healing Portal by Soul Coach Tracy Houchins


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