Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Gathering in February, 2011

February 10, 2011
The Wellness Center - Camden, Maine

The topic is Opening the Heart

Oftentimes when we encounter difficult situations or painful emotions, our tendency is to resist and either shut down or find some way to escape. Quite 'logically', we do not wish to suffer! Yet is it by facing these challenges directly and fully acknowledging our suffering that we can uncover our compassionate natures and open our hearts to ourselves and others. Rose Willson will guide us through the Buddhist practice of Tonglen and the HeartMath 'FreezeFrame' technique to aid us in moving out of our heads and living more fully and compassionately from our intuitive hearts.

The Gathering in March, 2011

March 10, 2011
Wellness Center - Camden, Maine

The topic is:   Feeling Loving

Skye Hirst will explore with us how Feeling Loving and sound vibrations can work together and do, but we don't know it consciously. Experience creating loving sound vibrations. ¬ Discover how they open communication and how we can get that loving feeling any time, any place, ¬ if we choose. We'll be having fun making sounds as a group and feeling the sounds of loving in our bodies. Discover your loving feeling and how we are connected to one another through it.